Tag Archives: Money Saver

Read our money saver tips to save money on expensive cosmetic products by substituting them for homemade, natural alternatives. Cheaper and more effective.

The Best Natural Moisturizers For Dry Skin

Moisturizers For Dry Skin

Our skin comes under daily assault from all kinds of things in the air and the environment that we work, live and relax in – the most common side effect of this is dry skin. Heat, dust and sand particles can wreak havoc on the only external protection that your body has, so how do […]

10 Home Remedies For Dry Skin

Home Remedies For Dry Skin

Here are 10 of our Favourite Home Remedies for Dry Skin. Dry skin is uncomfortable and if left untreated can foster bacteria and lead to infections. We have put together 10 of our favourite home remedies for dry skin to help to treat this condition. These use 100% natural ingredients so you can avoid harmful chemicals contained in […]

43 Tips To Save Money On Cosmetics

female shopping for cosmetics

Save money on cosmetics with these 43 top tips. The beauty industry is one of the most lucrative and competitive markets on the planet. Our favourite products continually become more and more expensive as demand for them grows. We have put together a comprehensive list of ways you save money on cosmetics, so that you no […]

Top 3 Home Remedies for Hair Loss

Top 3 home hair loss remedies

Hair loss is a common problem in the UAE. There are several factors which contribute to hair loss and hair thinning such as climate, stress, water purity, genetic factors, anaemia etc. Some of these factors we can control, others we can’t. But the effect of hair loss can be managed by taking proper care of […]
