H2O Pure Blue

Earth Day Update: Message From Our Founder

Earth Day Message From Our Founder Sahar Davodi

We’ve created Pure Blue Solutions to be a simple answer to hair loss, dry problematic skin, and needlessly suffering from hair and scalp problems. The fact that we’re essentially a shower filter that focuses on health and beauty has never stopped us from also caring about the impact of our products on the environment. 

Today, on the occasion of Earth Day, I would like to take a minute to update you on the new ways Pure Blue is helping the environment. 

Since the start, we made sure to have as sustainable packaging as possible though using recycled materials. We also included our Handheld Power Shower to help you enjoy incredible showers using three times less water. 

We’re proudly expanding this line of water-saving products. Based on customer feedback, we’ve created a fixed shower head with the same benefits of our Power Shower; sturdy and built to last, ionic and refreshing, and more importantly also water saving. Fixed water-saving shower heads are not common, that’s why I’m particularly proud we pulled it off! Whatsmore, we’ve also designed a Rain Showerhead and a Shattaf that will save you water. 

I’m extremely glad we’re rolling out our new, water-sustainable line of products just in time for Earth Day. It’s a great time for us to remember and count the individual ways we’re each doing our part for the environment. 

Happy Earth Day

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