Tag Archives: skin care

Face Dryness Home Remedies

Face Dryness Home Remedies

Face dryness is a very common problem, especially in dry and cold climates. However, sometimes, the minute we notice a patch of dry skin or a simple rash, many of us rush to the nearest drug store or frantically try to book an appointment with a dermatologist. Fear may be one of the reasons we […]

Hard Water Shower Filter Benefits

Hard Water Shower Filter Benefits

Are you dealing with extremely dry skin? What about frizzy hair and discoloration, or a dry and itchy scalp? The problem might be the hardness of your water. What is Hard Water Scientifically speaking, the hardness of your water is a reflection of the percentage of dissolved minerals in water such as calcium and magnesium. […]

Body Itching at Night: Causes & Treatments

Body Itching at Night: Causes & Treatments

Have you ever uncontrollably scratched at itchy skin in the middle of the night only to find that not a single mosquito bite, rash, or red spot was visible? The good news is, you weren’t hallucinating. The not-so-good news is your body is itching at night and it might be due to several causes.   […]
